Folder Delivery System now released
Ionix FDS solves the problem
of folding copied paper
Virtually all the 11” x 17” (or smaller) imaging
done in
North America
is done on a laser/digitally imaged platform. Folding this material has
developed into a major production bottleneck. As paper runs through the
folding rollers, static accumulates on the rollers and plates of the
folder. The result is folded paper delivered with so much static it cannot
be further finished or handled.
How Ionix FDS solves this problem
Ionix FDS solves this
problem of roller static buildup by diverting air from the blower pump
going to the feeder through an Ionix Static Eliminator and directing it
onto the folding rollers. This is accomplished by replacing the old roller
guard cover with a new Ionix FDS roller guard cover. An air splitter is
installed in the feeder blower air line after the Ionix cartridge in the
blower air line which diverts the air to the FDS roller guard cover. The
Ionix treated air eliminates the static on the folder roller and prevents
further buildup. It also prevents static buildup on the folder plates.
Also, since Ionix is installed in the blower air line going to the feeder,
static in the feeder will also be eliminated.
How Ionix FDS
is installed
Customers can install the FDS by themselves in less
than 10 minutes. The old roller guard cover is removed and replaced with
the Ionix FDS cover. The feeder blower hose pump is cut and the Ionix
Static Eliminator is inserted in the line. The hose is cut again after
Ionix and the air splitter is inserted in the line. A ¼” supplied hose
is run form the splitter to the Ionix FDS air bar. Installation is
complete. Tools required are a pair of scissors and an Allen wrench.
Suggested list retail price is $299 which includes a
Model 200 Ionix Static Eliminator cartridge, new roller guard, air
splitter and installation hose. Standard Ionix dealer discounts apply.
Each kit is individually boxed with instructions and weighs about 4

Folders on which Ionix FDS
are available
Ionix FDS kits are currently available specifically
designed for Baum 714 and Martin Yale 959AF folders.
To order for Baum folders, verify insider of blower
air line to be either 5/8” of 7/8” and specify with order. For Maritn
Yale 959AF folders, verify blower hose is ½”.
To order for:
Baum folders, verify insider of blower
air line to be either 5/8” of 7/8” and specify with order
Ionix FDS kit
W-IO-BAUM-5/8 |
Ionix FDS kit
W-IO-BAUM-7/8 |
Ionix FDS kit
W-IO-959AF |
Ionix can be installed on other small format folders
provided the customer sends the roller cover for the folder to Ionix for
us to retrofit onto it a FDS air manifold. Call for specifics for folders
other than Baum 714 and Martin Yale 959 AF. |